Lifestyle Optimiser

Cecilie Rigneus has a background in high care nursing and has taken her experiences from care to prevention.  She would prefer to help people find the path to health rather than see them struggle through sickness.


When I met Cecilie she did not yet have a website but she was conducting a variety of activities and although they were connected she wasn't fully clear on her proposal to potential clients.

I coached her through the Business Workout and by doing this I helped her better understand which activities she should focus on and which were not really adding value to her brand.  From this we progressed to Lifestyle Optimiser as her business name as this perfectly describes what she does, helping people optimise their lives through health, nutrition and beauty care products.

Leaping Ahead Solution

Next came developing her online presence with a website and initially Facebook.  Some of the elements that were included were a blog layout view of her great recipes and beauty tips, a free give-away, newsletter subscription and a blog which autoposts to her Facebook.  The website is clean, clear and simple and lays out the ways in which Cecilie can help you optimise your life.

Cecilie's solution included:

  • Blog tool to add content and improve SEO
  • Opt in giveaway to increase her mailing list
  • Newsletter to develop customer relationships with automatic addition of subscriptions to the list.
  • Blog layout for recipes and beauty tips

New Website -




