Vinhos Cortém

Vinhos Cortém is an organic, boutique winery near the coast in central Portugal and run by owners Chris Price and Helga Wagner.


Vinhos Cortém approached Leaping Ahead as their own built website was not performing as they wanted and as their wines were developing in popularity they wanted to extend their reach online, especially to visitors further into Europe.

Leaping Ahead Solution

Vinhos Cortém exceeded all our expectations in that it is in the most beautiful location, the wines are not only award winning but delicious and the owners are also charming.  Certainly none of this was conveyed via their website. We have worked with these clients for several years and recently implemented a further upgrade.   We set out to do the following:

  • selecting a colour pallette to portray the rich red wines they made and the charm of the location
  • choosing images that showed the property, wines and people to their best advantage to demonstrate the ethos of the owners
  • promoting their on site wine tastings and encouraging more contacts and bookings (this was well achieved)
  • use of front end access to blogging and automatic updating of categories to pages on the site
  • front end editing of articles
  • Online webshop with shipping options and online  or offline payments
  • editing of the shop from the front end.

As the client does not have much time to learn about the content management system we have ensure that quick and easy editing and content creation can be done via the front end with appropriate access.  This aspect alone has the customer excited.


Old customer website                                          NEW Vinhos Cortém website, recently added ecommerce option -

Old Vinhos Cortem WebsiteVinhos Cortem
