ICF - Luxembourg
The Luxembourg chapter of the International Coaching Federation was looking for a website that better represented their aims and objectives
The International Coach Federation - Luxembourg Chapter had a basic WordPress website that was cumbersome to manage and update. They were also seeking to enable membership registration and event management and felt that doing this through the website would reduce their administration.
Leaping Ahead Solution
The solution for the ICF was formulated as follows:
- a fresh, contemporary website, easy to navigate and respresentative in look and feel
- software to enable registration of international members onto the site for free, with the option to upgrade to a paid membership at a future date
- membership profiles to showcase ICF members
- software to inform about future events and to enable online registration and booking with offline or PayPal payments
- Newsletter functionality to add content to the website, manage mailing lists and update and send newsletters
- Directory functionality to enable members and affiliated organisations to pay a nominal fee to publicise their business, adding revenue to cover website costs.
The ICF Luxembourg now has a professional online profile which also showcases members to the community.
Old ICF Luxembourg website NEW ICF Luxembourg