Happiness with Irene

When I met Irene she had a huge smile and epitomised what she does, Happiness Coaching.  She came to me to help her organise her business and proposition with The Business Workout and from there we progressed to her online business image. 

The website she had was really not reflecting the dynamic energy this woman has, nor was it doing her any justice at all and in her words, her web developer 'doesn't get me, we seem to not speak the same language'.  So I was delighted that the work we did in The Business Workout was the foundation for her new business image, platform for her proposition and a place where she could manage her Discovery Session Bookings, Events and bookings and her blog as well as her social media.

We also discussed rebranding her name and Happiness with Irene felt right and so we acquired the relevant domains for her too and redirected her old domains so that she would not lose any traffic from old bookmarks or email addresses.

In summary from a standard 4/5 page website with no impact she has gone to a full CMS website with

  • Dynamic images and text outlining her proposition
  • Pricing table
  • Discovery Session Bookings
  • Blog with autoposting to social media
  • Events with bookings and payments via bank, PayPal or Stripe (for credit cards)
  • Testimonials
  • Newsletter and mailing list management
  • Opt-In offer with tracking and auto responder.

This new site has already transformed her business and made her audience much more clear about what she offers and how she can help.  Below you can see a screenshot of her new site and comparitive with the old site.



NEW SITE                                                                                              

Happiness with Irene





















Old Active Happiness site
