Leaping Ahead Web

Leaping Ahead is helps Build Businesses Online - anyone can build a website not everyone can build a business online.

Top 5 eCommerce Tips

Top 5 eCommerce Tips
If you're selling your products or services online using an eCommerce solution then here are the Top 5 things to ensure you're doing to optimise your online business:   CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE I recently did a blog on the customer experience and once again this is just critical. Your eCommerce solu...
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The Customer Experience

The Customer Experience
As a customer, I have a long list of things that annoy me when I'm trying to make a purchase or find information, what are yours?  Now take that list and compare it to your website ... are you helping or hindering a customer?  The internet has transformed the way that we can communicate wi...
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Is your Website dead?

Is your Website dead?
Not all websites are equal.  To, sort of, quote an old Western movie, the title of which seems appropriate here The Good - websites that are responsive, regularly updated, have clear navigation and relevant content The Bad - websites that use shortcuts to try to achieve Google rankings, bad lin...
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What NOT to do on Facebook! A case study in losing customers.

What NOT to do on Facebook! A case study in losing customers.
I'm frequently asked about Facebook advertising vs Google Ads, personally both can significantly gain you more followers and in turn business ... BUT ... both rely on good, targeted messages and both should be monitored and assessed to gain knowledge of what is working and what is not.  The sta...
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Why you should consider an SSL Certificate

SSL is an abbreviation for Secure Sockets Layer, this is a global standard for security technology which enables encrypted communication between a browser and a server.  You should have heard about SSL certificates or seen the signature for these in the URL for some sites, it is displayed as ht...
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How you are losing people on social media.

How you are losing people on social media.
Etiquette, not a word you'll hear very often these days and there may even be those of you out there who don't know what it means ... Etiquette - the customary code of polite behaviour in society or among members of a particular profession or group. In today's world of online and social media it s...
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Don't let the banks get away with it!

Don't let the banks get away with it!
As I work with clients throughout Europe it has been incredible to note that since July 2015 SEPA came into effect and still there are banks that are trying to charge clients fees for international (European) transfers! SEPA (The Single Euro Payments Area) is a payment-integration initiative by the ...
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Don't do it - don't click

Don't do it - don't click
"If there's somethin' strange in your neighborhoodWho ya gonna call If it's somethin' weird an it don't look goodWho ya gonna call" Recognise the theme song for Ghostbusters the movie, it came to mind as I see so many people still fall for scams, spam and phishing. When you consider that the World...
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What do you really want for your Social Media

What do you really want for your Social Media
I'm regularly asked to help people with their social media and of course apart from wanting it done well they also want it done cheaply because they have not really thought through the value that professional social media support can bring. When it comes down to it people are often not really clear...
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5 Tools to never overlook

5 Tools to never overlook
Google ... love them or hate them ... you need them if you have an online presence. Google is so much more than search engine and maps, it has a plethora of tools, widgets and goodies to make the best of your online presence but very few people use them and to ignore too many of these you will be pe...
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Are you aware of the value of your domain?

Are you aware of the value of your domain?
On the web your address is your www.MYDOMAIN.com domain and it is critically important to the success of your business.  I'm regularly confused by people who are looking for the cheapest and changing domains, there are still people who do this.  Shopping for cheap and cheerful and forgetti...
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